How Do I Find?

How Do I Find is the Maryland Department of Planning's index to staff contacts for further assistance and pages on our website. We hope that this page will help you to locate information and connect to Planning staff. Please provide feed back on our How Do I Find page to John Coleman.

Communications|Planning Coordination|Maryland State Clearinghouse
Historic Preservation, Archeology, Historic Grants & Tax Credits, Maryland Heritage Areas
Planning Data and Research|Maryland State Data Center

General Inquiries

If you can't find the appropriate person or program below, please contact:

Maria Sofia: (410) 767-4500

Questions about this website

John Coleman: (410) 767-4614


Chief of Staff

Kristin Fleckenstein: (410) 767-4243, (410) 279-7893 (cell)

Redistricting Inquiries

Director of Communications

David Buck: (410) 767-4395, (443) 463-7139 (cell)

Media Inquiries

David Buck: (410) 767-4395, (443) 463-7139 (cell)

Public Information Act (PIA) requests

David Buck: (410) 767-4395, (443) 463-7139 (cell)

PIA Requests

Planning Coordination

Director of Planning Coordination

Chuck Boyd: (410) 767-1401

Planning Coordination

Planning Technical Assistance

Joe Griffiths: (410) 767-1401

Local Assistance & Training | Local Planning Staff

Regional Planning

Local Planning Staff Assignments​​

Comprehensive Plan Review

Joe Griffiths: (410) 767-1401

Comprehensive Plans | Comprehensive Plans Online

Redevelopment and New Development

Chuck Boyd: (410) 767-1401

Public School Construction | Transportation Planning

Reinvest Maryland

Chuck Boyd: (410) 767-1401

Reinvest Maryland​​

Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)

Scott Hansen: (410) 767-4611

Transit Station Area Profile Tool  | TOD | Transportation Planning

Resource Conservation Planning

Jason Dubow: (410) 767-3370

Water Resources | Chesapeake Bay | Climate Change

Transfer of Development Rights Programs

Debbie Herr Cornwell: (410) 767-4620

Transfer of Development Rights

Water & Sewer Planning

Jason Dubow: (410) 767-3370

Water and Sewerage Facilities Planning

Certification of County Agriculture Land Preservation Program

Dan Rosen: (410) 767-4577

Land Preservation

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Maryland State Clearinghouse

E-MIRC (Electronic Maryland Intergovernmental Review and Coordination)

Myra Barnes: (410) 767-4488

State Clearinghouse | Process | Requirements | EMIRC | Intergovernmental Monitor

Maryland InfoPortal

Sophia Richardson: (410) 767-4491

The Maryland InfoPortal Digital Catalog of State Assistance Programs

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Historic Preservation, Archeology, Historic Grants & Tax Credits, Maryland Heritage Areas

Maryland Historical Trust

Phone: (410) 697-9591 Listing of Maryland Historical Trust staff

MHT Homepage | Research and Survey | Funding | Project Review | Archeology

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Planning Data and Research

Director of Planning Data and Research

Kanishk Sharma: (410) 767-4456

Planning Data & Research

Geographic Information Systems and Services

Kanishk Sharma: (410) 767-4456

Downloadable GIS Files | Interactive Maps | Priority Funding Areas

Land Use/Land Cover Maps for Maryland Counties

Kanishk Sharma: (410) 767-4456

Land Use/Land Cover

Maps & GIS

Deborah Sward: (410) 767-4964

Zip Code Boundary Area Files | Census 2010 Boundary Maps | Thematic Maps |

Historical Census Maps

Maryland Congressional & State Legislative Map Orders

Cassandra Malloy​​: (410) 767-4509​ ​​​

Congressional Online Map | Legislative Online Map | Redistricting | Congressional Districts | Legislative Districts | 

Precinct Population | Data for Download

MdProperty View, FINDER Quantum, and FINDER Online

Gary Maragos: (410) 767-1218

MdProperty View | FINDER Quantum | FINDER Online

Open Parcels - Downloadable GIS Files

Gary Maragos: (410) 767-1218

Downloadable GIS Files

Property Mapping - Inquiries about corrections

Gary Maragos: (410) 767-1218

Property Mapping

Tax Assessment Maps Orders (Paper and Electronic)

Gary Maragos: (410) 767-1218

Tax Maps

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Maryland State Data Center

U.S. Census and Census Data/Population/Economic Census

Alfred Sundara: (410) 767-4002

Maryland State Data Center | 2010 Census Data | Economic Census

Projections and Estimates

Alfred Sundara: (410) 767-4002

Public School Enrollment Projections | Socioeconomic Projections | Population Estimates

New Housing Units Authorized by Building Permits

Jesse Ash: (410) 767-4453

New Housing Units Authorized for Construction

Socioeconomic Estimates

Alfred Sundara: (410) 767-4002

Estimates | Median Household Income Estimates | Poverty Estimates

New Housing Units Authorized by Building Permits

Jesse Ash: (410) 767-4453

New Housing Units Authorized for Construction

Jobs & Income Analysis

Krishna Akundi: (410) 767-8678

Jobs and Income | Wage & Salary Jobs by Place of Work | Hi-Tech & Bio-Tech Establishments

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Human Trafficking GET HELP

National Human Trafficking Hotline - 24/7 Confidential

1-888-373-7888 233733 More Information on human trafficking in Maryland

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The Maryland General Assembly’s Office of Legislative Audits operates a toll-free fraud hotline to receive allegations of fraud and/or abuse of State government resources. Information reported to the hotline in the past has helped to eliminate certain fraudulent activities and protect State resources.

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