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Congressional and Legislative Districts

Precinct Population Count and Maps

Report of Maryland Precinct Population Data 
(the Green Report)

Green Report thumbnailAdjusted Maryland Redistricting Data & Unadjusted Census Population Count from the 2010 Census 

Correction to Green Report - (June 1, 2011) An error was identified in "Report of Maryland Precinct Population Data (the Green Report)" on pages 93 through 97 in Appendix B-1 and Appendix B-2. Specifically, the data in the column labeled "Adjusted White Alone" contained incorrect data. The corrected column has been inserted in both Appendix tables as of June 1, 2011. 

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  • Appendix A-1: Summary Report - Adjusted 2010 Census Population Counts By Existing 2002 Congressional District; Total Population By Single Race Alone, Unadjusted Hispanic Origin And Voting Age (18+) Population
       PDF     XLS

  • Appendix A-2: Race Detail And Variance From Ideal - Adjusted 2010 Census Population Counts By Existing 2002 Congressional District; Total Population By Single Race Alone, Unadjusted Hispanic Origin, 18+ Population And Variance From Ideal District Population
       PDF     XLS

  • Appendix A-3: Population Change And Variance From Ideal - Adjusted 2010 Census Population Counts By Existing 2002 Congressional District
       PDF     XLS
  • Appendix B-1: Summary Report - Adjusted 2010 Census Population Counts By Existing 2002 Legislative District; Total Population By Single Race Alone, Unadjusted Hispanic Origin And 18+ Population
       PDF     XLS

  • Appendix B-2: Race Detail And Variance From Ideal -
    Adjusted 2010 Census Population Counts By Existing 2002 Legislative District; Total Population By Single Race Alone, Unadjusted Hispanic Origin And 18+ Population
       PDF     XLS

  • Appendix B-3: Population Change And Variance From Ideal - Adjusted 2010 Census Population Counts By Existing 2002 Legislative District
       PDF     XLS

  • Appendix B-4: Adjusted 2010 Census Population Count In Pursuant To Maryland Law By Precinct/Voting District For Maryland Redistricting
       PDF     XLS

  • Appendix C: Summary Report - Unadjusted 2010 Census Population Counts By Existing 2002 Congressional District; Total Population By Single Race Alone, Hispanic Origin And Voting Age (18+) Population
       PDF     XLS

  • Appendix D: Summary Report - Unadjusted 2010 Census Population Counts By Existing 2002 Legislative District; Total Population By Single Race Alone, Hispanic Origin And 18+ Population
       PDF     XLS


  • Adjusted 2010 Census Population Counts by Jurisdiction & Precinct (Voting District) - by Single Race, Two or More Races, Unadjusted Hispanic Origin* & Age 18 Plus
       PDF     XLS
  • Adjusted 2010 Census Population Counts by Jurisdiction & Precinct (Voting District) - Voting Age (18+) by Single Race, Two or More Races & Unadjusted Hispanic Origin
       PDF     XLS
  • Unadjusted 2010 Census Population Counts by Jurisdiction & Precinct/Voting District-by Single Race Alone, Two or More Race, Hispanic Origin,Age18+ & 2002
       PDF     XLS
  • Unadjusted 2010 Census Population Counts by Jurisdiction & Precinct/Voting District - Voting Age(18+) by Single Race Alone, Two or More Race, Hispanic Origin,Age18+ & 2002 Congressional\Legislative Districts
       PDF     XLS

2010 Precinct Maps

2010 Precinct and 2002 Congressional District Maps

2010 Precinct and 2002 Legislative District Maps


GIS Data

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