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Census 2000


Census 2000 Analysis

  1. Foreign Born in Montgomery and Prince George's Counties Using 2000 Public Use Microdata (PUMS)​
  2. Census 2000 SF1 Highlights (Demographic)
  3. Census 2000 SF3 Highlights (Socio-Economic)
  4. Income Inequality (12/02)
  5. Change Over Census Tract Equivalency Areas (10/02)
  6. Empowerment Zone Analysis (10/02)
  7. Foreign-Born in Maryland (6/02)
  8. 1990 & 2000 Black and White Neighborhood Concentrations in Maryland - PDF Format (3/02)

1. Foreign Born in Montgomery and Prince George's Counties Using 2000 Public Use Microdata (PUMS)

Foreign Born in Montgomery and Prince George's Counties Using 2000 Public Use Microdata (PUMS)


2. Census 2000 SF1 Highlights (Demographic)

Maryland's Demographic Diversity


  1. 2000 Median Age by Race/Hispanic Origin for MD
  2. 2000 Household Size by Race/Hispanic Origin for MD
  3. Year 2000 Homeownership Rates by Race in MD
  4. Change in Homeownership Rates by Race in MD, 1990 - 2000
  5. Year 2000 Percent Married-Couple Families with Children by Race/Hispanic Origin in MD
  6. Year 2000 Percent Two-Parent Families with Children by Race/Hispanic Origin in MD
  7. Year 2000 Percent Single-Parent Families with Children by Race/Hispanic Origin in MD

3. Census 2000 SF3 Highlights (Socio-Economic)

Analysis Profile (Sample Data)

How Has Maryland Changed Over the Last Decade?

Jurisdictional Summary Tables

Census 2000    PDF | XLS
Census 1990    PDF | XLS
Change between 2000 and 1990    PDF | XLS

Jurisdictional Charts - Rank Order of Selected Socioeconomic Characteristics (PDF)

  1. Percent With Less Than High School Diploma (Ages 25 & Over), 2000
  2. Percent With Bachelor's Degree or Higher (Ages 25 & Over), 2000
  3. Number of Foreign Born - 2000
  4. Percent of Total Population Which is Foreign Born, 2000
  5. Percent Speaking English Less Than Very Well (Ages 5 & Over), 2000
  6. Percent Who Drive Alone (Workers Ages 16 & Over), 2000
  7. Percent Who Carpool (Worker Ages 16 & Over), 2000
  8. Percent Who Use Public Transportation (Worker Ages 16 & Over, 2000
  9. Mean Travel Time (in Minutes) to Work (Workers Ages 16 & Over,- 2000
  10. Median Household Income - 2000
  11. Female to Male Median Earning (Year-Round Workers), 2000
  12. Poverty Rate (All Individiuals), 2000
  13. Poverty Rate of the Elderly (Ages 65 & Over), 2000
  14. Poverty Rate for Children (Own Children < 18), 2000
  15. Percent of Households Where Monthly Owner Costs Exceed 35% of Household Income, 2000
  16. Percent of Renters Where Monthly Renter Costs Exceed 35% of Household Income, 2000
  17. Median Value of Owner-Occupied Units - 2000
  18. Median Monthly Owner Costs of Owner-Occupied Units - 2000
  19. Median Montly Rent - 2000

Detailed Socio-Economic Characteristics (SF3)

Maryland's Socioeconomic Diversity

List of charts

  1. Poverty Rates in MD by Race & Hispanic Origin, 1999
  2. Percentage Point Change in Poverty Rates in MD by Race & Hispanic Origin 1989-1999
  3. Poverty Rates in MD for Native and Foreign Born Residents, 1999
  4. Poverty Rates of the Foreign Born by Citizenship Status in MD for 1999
  5. Number of Foreign Born, by Place of Origin, Who Came to MD Between 1990 & 2000
  6. Percent of Foreign Born, by Place of Origin, Who Came to MD Between 1990 & 2000
  7. Number of People in MD (Ages 5+) Who Speak a Language Other Than English at Home, 2000
  8. Number of People (Ages 5+) Who Speak a Language Other Than English in MD and Speak English Not Well or Not at All, 2000
  9. Percent of People (Ages 5+)Who Speak a Language Other Than English in MD and Speak English Not Well or Not at All, 2000
  10. Median Household Incomes by Race/Hispanic Origin for MD, 1999
  11. Change in Median Household Incomes by Race & Hispanic Origin for MD - 1989 to 1999 (adjusted for inflation)
  12. Percent With Bachelor's Degree or Higher by Race (persons ages 25+) in MD, 2000
  13. Percent With Bachelor's Degree or Higher by Race and sex (persons ages 25+) in MD, 2000
  14. Percent of Males and Females with a Bachelor's Degree or Higher in Maryland (1990 & 2000)
  15. Percentage Point Change in Percent Of Persons Ages 25+ with Bachelor's Degree or Higher by Race in MD 1990–2000
  16. Percentage Point Change in Percent Of Persons Ages 25+ with Bachelor's Degree or Higher by Race/Sex in MD 1990–2000
  17. Labor Force Participation Rates, by Age, for Males in MD, 1990 & 2000
  18. Percentage Point Change in Labor Force Participation Rates for Males by Age in MD, 1990-2000
  19. Labor Force Participation Rates, by Age, for Females in MD, 1990 & 2000
  20. Percentage Point Change in Labor Force Participation Rates for Females by Age in MD, 1990-2000
  21. Labor Force Participation Rates by Race & Hispanic Origin in MD, 2000
  22. Male Labor Force Participation Rates by Race & Hispanic Origin in MD, 2000
  23. Female Labor Force Participation Rates by Race & Hispanic Origin in MD, 2000
  24. Change in Male Labor Force Participation Rates by Race & Hispanic Origin in MD 1990-2000
  25. Change in Female Labor Force Participation Rates by Race & Hispanic Origin in MD 1990-2000

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4. Income Inequility

Income Inequality Continues to Grow in Maryland

List of Tables

Table 1: Gini Coefficients for Household Income Distributions for Md's Jurisdictions, 1979–1999    PDF | XLS
Table 2: Share of Household Income by Household Income Class    PDF | XLS

List of Charts

  1. Cumulative Share of Total Household Income in MD
  2. Household Share of Total Income in MD, 1980, 1990 & 2000
  3. Median Household Incomes by Race/Hispanic Origin for MD, 1999
  4. Investment Income as a Percent of Total Personal Income in MD
  5. Median Household Income by Jurisdiction, 1999
  6. Poverty Rate (All Individuals) by Jurisdiction, 1999
  7. Dividends, Interest & Rent as a Percent of Total Personal Income by Jurisdiction, 1999
  8. Cumulative Share of Total Income by Households in Charles and Talbot Counties
  9. Earnings as a Percent of Total Personal Income by Jurisdiction, 1999
  10. Percent of All Families With Two or More Workers in 2000
  11. Largest Minority Population Increases in MD, 1990–2000
  12. Largest Non-Hispanic White Population Losses in MD, 1990–2000
  13. Foreign Born Entering MD Between 1990 & 2000
  14. Share of Foreign Born Entering MD, 1990–2000
  15. Foreign Born as a Percent of Total Population Growth, 1990-2000

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5. Change Over Census Tract Equivalency Areas (10/02)

1970 - 2000

  1. 1970-1980 Population Growth and Decline
  2. 1980-1990 Population Growth and Decline
  3. 1990-2000 Population Growth and Decline
  4. 1970-2000 Population Percent Change
  5. Area Experiencing a Loss of More than 500 Individuals for Maryland
  6. Area Experiencing a Loss of More than 500 Individuals for the Baltimore-Washington Area

1990 - 2000

  1. Change in Median Household Income
  2. Percent Population Change
  3. Percentage Point Change in Poverty

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6. Empowerment Zone Analysis (10/02)


List of Charts

  1. 1990-2000 Percent Change in Household Population for Baltimore City's Empowerment Zones
  2. 1990 & 2000 Poverty Rates for Baltimore City's Empowerment Zones and Other Areas
  3. Percentage Point Change in Poverty from 1990-2000 for Baltimore City's Empowerment Zones and Other Areas
  4. Percent Change in Median Household Income from 1990-2000 for Baltimore City's Empowerment Zones and Other Areas
  5. 1990 & 2000 Median Household Income for Baltimore City's Empowerment Zones and Other Areas

Map of Baltimore City's Empowerment Zones

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7. Foreign-Born in Maryland (6/02)

For more information contact Alfred Sundara at 410-767-4002 or e-mail alfred.sundara@maryland.gov​.

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8. 1990 & 2000 Black and White Neighborhood Concentrations in Maryland - PDF Format (3/02)



State of Maryland

Baltimore Region

Anne Arundel | Baltimore | Carroll | Harford | Howard | Baltimore City

Subrban Washington Region

Frederick | Montgomery | Prince George's

Southern Maryland Region

Calvert | Charles | St. Mary's

Western Maryland Region

Allegany | Garrett |Washington

Upper Eastern Shore Region

Caroline | Cecil | Kent | Queen Anne's | Talbot

Lower Eastern Shore Region​

Dorchester | Somerset | Wicomico | Worcester​


State of Maryland

Baltimore Region

Anne Arundel | Baltimore | Carroll | Harford | Howard | Baltimore City

Suburban Washington Region

Frederick | Montgomery | Prince George's

Southern Maryland Region

Calvert | Charles | St. Mary's

Western Maryland Region

Allegany | Garrett | Washington

Upper Eastern Shore Region

Caroline | Cecil | Kent | Queen Anne's | Talbot

Lower Eastern Shore Region​

Dorchester​ | Somerset | Wicomico | Worcester​

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This page was last updated: 2011-05-25​​​

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